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Environmental & Sustainability Policy

As New Zealand furniture manufacturers, we make a living using renewable resources from the land.

We realise that in order to continue to benefit from the environment we must be committed to continuously evaluating and adopting sustainable environmental practices for the future.

Danske Mobler’s goal will always be to source wood products from sustainably managed forests with accreditation. We produce quality furniture from these wood products that endures, which in turn reduces the impact on the environment due to the extended lifespan of the products.

A comprehensive after sales service ensures wood furniture can be repaired rather than discarded, plus a re-upholstery service for lounge furniture and dining chairs is also available.

Below, are highlights of some of the most important factors in our continued efforts:


All wood products for our New Zealand made furniture are sourced from reputable suppliers, many of whom have certifications from independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisations, such as:

Our New Zealand rimu is sourced from sustainably managed forests through the MAF Indigenous Forestry unit.

New Zealand grown radiata pine is used for lounge suite frames and chair frames, and Accoya® wood is used for our outdoor furniture. Both woods are sourced from sustainability managed forests.

As an environmentally efficient substitute for solid wood, we use veneer board in selected designs because one cubic metre produces up to 1000m2 of veneer. It is renewable, reusable, recyclable and completely biodegradable. 


Danske Mobler is proud to partner with Tasman Leathers in Whanganui for our New Zealand made leather lounge furniture. Tasman’s methods of leather production are underpinned by a core value: that genuine, quality leather is about respect for the whole process, including the source from which it comes and the impact it has on the environment around us.


The fabrics used on our New Zealand made fabric lounge furniture are supplied by leading fabric houses Warwick, Charles Parsons and James Dunlop. The companies ensure their fabric ranges comply with environmental industry standards.

Recycling of Waste Materials

Careful management of waste is a constantly under scrutiny, not only that which we produce, but also what comes from our suppliers. We actively recycle plastic film, cardboard packaging, paper, glass, polystyrene, steel and foam. All employees embrace our recycling programmes and readily participate in following the systems in place.

Water Usage

We have developed and implemented a rainwater collection system to supply on-site machinery and production processes.

Purchasing New Zealand made furniture by Danske Mobler is not only investing in quality. It is also making a sustainable and responsible choice.